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I am a Masters graduate in Remote Sensing and Planetary Science, and previously Astrophysics. I have a strong scientific and mathematical background, and experience in object-orientated programming in Python and web programming in HTML/Javascript/CSS. I have a Bitbucket account where I showcase my own projects.

In my academic studies, I used Python in a Linux environment for data processing, statistical analysis, and data visualisation tasks, using the numpy, scipy and matplotlib libraries. I am experienced with the Linux command-line, and a variety of software packages, including Geographical Information Systems software such as QGIS and ArcGIS, and data management and analysis with spreadsheets.

I have shown adaptability and an ability to learn new programming languages and tools quickly. In my previous experience I have found the opportunity to develop new skills stimulating, and would welcome further opportunity to do so in my next job.

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Skills and Experience

(Natural) Languages known

Other interests

I have an interest in gardening, especially fruit crops including tayberries, chillis and apples.

I participated in International Astronomical Youth Camps between 2004 and 2009. Each of these was a 3 week workshop involving young people (16-24) of a variety of nationalities and backgrounds.

I served on the Cambridge University Astronomical Society committee for 3 years. I was responsible for the website and newsletter for a year, and observing secretary for 2 years. The latter including being responsible for teaching CUAS members how to use the telescopes at the Institute of Astronomy.

I enjoy outdoor activities including hillwalking and cycling and have completed several cycle tours including a trek from John O’ Groats to Newcastle with my brother. On this trip, we were able to contrive to cross the border from Scotland into England heading north.

References are available on request

Last updated 19th March 2020.