Regional Mars Maps

I show specific regions of Mars, based on the regions I used for my index map

I show the HRSC DTM tiles in outline, with the data from the Mars Global Surveyor MOC image mosaic with the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter topography used via colour coding. The Souness et al. 2012 glaciers are shown with their extents outlined.

Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

South of Tharsis region

The Bayesian classifier results are not shown for this region, which is split east/west for rendering below. Links to the individual Souness GLFs can be found at the bottom of this page.

Western sub-region

Eastern sub-region

There are 89 Souness GLFs in the South Tharsis area (a small number would fall into the adjoining Argyre region if divided strictly by longitude). See the scatterplot at

Histogram by elevation of Souness GLFs in South Tharsis region
Displaying the histogram of numbers of Souness GLFs as a function of elevation within the South Tharsis region.

Links to individual pages on Souness GLFs in this region

Souness 817
Souness 818
Souness 819
Souness 820
Souness 821
Souness 822
Souness 823
Souness 824
Souness 825
Souness 826
Souness 827
Souness 828
Souness 829
Souness 830
Souness 831
Souness 832
Souness 833
Souness 834
Souness 835
Souness 836
Souness 837
Souness 838
Souness 839
Souness 840
Souness 841
Souness 842
Souness 843
Souness 844
Souness 845
Souness 846
Souness 847
Souness 848
Souness 849
Souness 850
Souness 851
Souness 852
Souness 853
Souness 854
Souness 855
Souness 856
Souness 857
Souness 858
Souness 859
Souness 860
Souness 861
Souness 862
Souness 863
Souness 864
Souness 865
Souness 866
Souness 867
Souness 868
Souness 869
Souness 870
Souness 871
Souness 872
Souness 873
Souness 874
Souness 875
Souness 876
Souness 877
Souness 878
Souness 879
Souness 880
Souness 881
Souness 882
Souness 883
Souness 884
Souness 885
Souness 886
Souness 887
Souness 888
Souness 889
Souness 890
Souness 891
Souness 892
Souness 893
Souness 894
Souness 895
Souness 896
Souness 897
Souness 898
Souness 1268
Souness 1269

Links to HiRISE images with Cornish titles

As part of the HiRISE Kernewek website at the University of Arizona, the following HiRISE images have been described in Cornish. Some have red/blue 3D analgyphs which have not yet had Cornish titles added.

Gwelifurvow Dhe Les ogas ha Digudhansow a Garbonayt
Lat: -39, Long: -178
Remenans Possybyl a Dardhellow Loskvenydhyek
Lat: -35, Long: -175
Kanolyow y’n Ranndir Gorgonum Chaos
Lat: -35, Long: -172
Devnydh a Liw Gwann yn Kres Kowdoll yn Bason Deray Gorgonum
Lat: -34, Long: -171
Kloridys Galladow y’n Plenys ynter Kowdell
Lat: -22, Long: -169
Tirwedhow dhe'n Soth a Sirenum Fossae
Lat: -29, Long: -145
Klorid ha Tewynnow yn Terra Sirenum
Lat: -39, Long: -139
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Liv Lava yn Daedalia Planum
Lat: -33, Long: -138
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Skeus orth Fos Kowdoll
Lat: -37, Long: -137
Frosow Lava yn Daedalia Planum
Lat: -23, Long: -126
Frosow Dhyworth Kanel a Droghas Amal Kowdoll ha Fos yn Daedalia Planum
Lat: -23, Long: -121
Sampel Tiredh Kres-Dorles
Lat: -45, Long: -78

Last updated 11th September 2019. davidtreth[at]