Aberystwyth Shipping Records.
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Series 202. Vessel name: Express
Series 202. File name File_202-1_vtls004660932.xlsx. Sheet 202-1-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Davies | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
Thomas Davies | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
Richard Simon | blk | 28 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | 1863-09-blk | Aberystwyth |
William Lewis | blk | 24 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 22 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | 1863-09-blk | Aberystwyth |
Willam Edwards | blk | 20 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Ordinary seaman | blk | blk |
Henry Thomas | blk | 24 | Aberystwyth | 1863-09-blk | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
William Williams | blk | 36 | Aberystwyth | 1863-12-blk | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Thomas Rees | blk | 37 | Swansea | blk | blk | 1st Engineer | blk | blk |
William Lloyd | blk | 24 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Morris | blk | 37 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Peter Jones | blk | 22 | Flint | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-1_vtls004660932.xlsx. Sheet 202-1-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Davies | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
Thomas Davies | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 21 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
William Lewis | blk | 25 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Richard Simon | blk | 28 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 16 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Ordinary Seaman | 1863-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Thomas Rees | blk | 37 | Swansea | blk | blk | 1st Engineer | blk | blk |
William Lloyd | blk | 23 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
John Geoffries | blk | 23 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | 3rd Engineeer | 1863-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Morris | blk | 38 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-2_vtls004660938.xlsx. Sheet 202-2-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Davies | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
Thomas Davies | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 49 | Aberystwyth | 1864-01 | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Willam Williams | blk | 38 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | 1863-June | Aberystwyth |
John Jones | blk | 37 | Aberystwyth | 1864-01 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
William Thomas | blk | 18 | Aberystwyth | 1864-01 | Aberystwyth | Ordinary Seaman | 1864-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Thomas Rees | blk | 37 | Swansea | blk | blk | 1st Engineer | blk | blk |
Peter Jones | blk | 24 | Flintshire | blk | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Morris | blk | 39 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
John Jenkins | blk | 24 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-2_vtls004660938.xlsx. Sheet 202-2-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Davies | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
Thomas Davies | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 44 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Jones | blk | 40 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
William Williams | blk | 38 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Jenkins Jones | blk | 17 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Boy | blk | blk |
Thomas Rees | blk | 39 | Swansea | blk | blk | 1st Engineer | blk | blk |
Peter Jones | blk | 24 | Flintshire | blk | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Morris | blk | 40 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Isaac Mason | blk | 29 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-3_vtls004660941.xlsx. Sheet 202-3-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Davies | blk | 35 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
John Jones | blk | 42 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
William Lewis | blk | 28 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 50 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | 1866-06-02 | Aberystwyth |
Henry Humphreys | blk | 25 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Arthur James | blk | 14 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Boy | blk | blk |
Thomas Rees | blk | 39 | Swansea | blk | blk | 1st Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Hughes | blk | 27 | Dublin | blk | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Morris | blk | 41 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | Stoke | blk | blk |
Isaac Mason | blk | 28 | Aberystwyth | blk | blk | [Deck Officer/Donkey Engineer] | blk | blk |
James Humphreys | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | 1866-06-04 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-6_vtls004660967.xlsx. Sheet 202-6-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
David Morgans | blk | 56 | Aberystwyth | Continued | Aberystwyth | Master | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
James Humphreys | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
William Botwood | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Seaman | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
Edward Lewis | blk | 37 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Seaman | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
John Hughes | blk | 29 | Liverpool | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Engineer | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
Hugh Morris | blk | 44 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Stroker | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
Evan Evans | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Stroker | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
David Roberts | blk | 20 | Aberystwyth | 1869-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Boy | 1869-06-30 | Liverpool |
Series 202. File name File_202-6_vtls004660967.xlsx. Sheet 202-6-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
David Morgan | blk | 55 | Aberystwyth | 1869-06-30 | blk | Master | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
John Jones | blk | 46 | Aberystwyth | 1869-08-22 | Aberystwyth | Master | blk | blk |
James Bewen | blk | 38 | Aberystwyth | 1869-07-01 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
William Lewis | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | 1896-07-01 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
David Jenkins | blk | 42 | Aberystwyth | 1869-07-01 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
John Hughes | blk | 27 | Liverpool | 1869-06-30 | blk | Seaman | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Morris | blk | 25 | Clarach | 1869-06-30 | blk | Seaman | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
Thomas Roberts | blk | 17 | Aberystwyth | 1869-07-17 | Aberystwyth | Boy | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
Evan Evans | blk | 35 | Aberystwyth | 1869-06-30 | blk | Boatswain | 1869-08-21 | Aberystwyth |
Series 202. File name File_202-7_vtls004660969.xlsx. Sheet 202-7-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
John Jones | blk | 46 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Master | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
William Martin | blk | 46 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
James Bowen | blk | 39 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
William Lewis | blk | 34 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Morris | blk | 45 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Seaman | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Isaac Edwards | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Seaman | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Hughes | blk | 28 | Liverpool | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | Engineer | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
John Hughes | blk | 20 | Bangor | 1870-01-01 | Aberystwyth | 2nd Engineer | 1870-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Series 202. File name File_202-7_vtls004660969.xlsx. Sheet 202-7-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
John Jones | blk | 46 | Aberystwyth | Continued | blk | Master | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
Richard Thayckhan | blk | 30 | London | Continued | blk | Mate | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
[Abraham] Lewis | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | Continued | blk | Seaman | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
Edward Jenkins | blk | 29 | Aberystwyth | Continued | blk | Seaman | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
William Ireland | blk | 44 | Liverpool | Continued | blk | Engineer | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
Isaac Edwards | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | Continued | blk | 2nd Engineer | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
John Hamelton | blk | 60 | Liverpool | Continued | blk | Fireman | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
John Hamelton | blk | 18 | Liverpool | Continued | blk | Fireman | 1870-12-27 | Aberystwyth |
Series 202. File name File_202-8_vtls004660974.xlsx. Sheet 202-8-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
John Sherman | blk | 38 | Wigtown, Wigton | 1871-07-26 | Aberystwyth | Master | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
Joshua Williams | blk | 26 | Briton ferry, Wales | 1871-07-26 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
John Robb | blk | 42 | Portwilliam, Wigton | 1871-07-26 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1871-12-01 | Girvan |
Lawrence Sinclair | blk | 23 | Papa Stour, Shetland | 1871-08-11 | Glasgow | Able Seaman | 1871-12-25 | Glasgow |
Thomas Martin | blk | 20 | Porto Rico, South America | 1871-07-26 | Aberystwyth | Ordinary | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
Gilbert Cerric | blk | 32 | Balantrae, Ayr | 1871-12-12 | Ayr | Able Seaman | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
Andrew Reid | blk | 23 | Avonbridge, Sterling | 1871-07-26 | Aberystwyth | 1st Engineer | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
John McMaster | blk | 28 | Glasgow, Lanark | 1871-08-11 | Glasgow | 2nd Engineer | 1871-11-28 | Workington |
George Aldgie | blk | 60 | Dalmuir, Dunbarton | 1871-08-11 | Glasgow | Fireman | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
John [McGilnay] | blk | 40 | Glasgow, Lanark | 1871-11-30 | Greenock | 2nd Engineer | 1871-12-31 | Belfast |
Series 202. File name File_202-8_vtls004660974.xlsx. Sheet 202-8-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
blk | blk | blk | blk | blk | blk | blk | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-4_vtls004660945.xlsx. Sheet 202-4-2. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
James Humphreys | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | Mate | blk | blk |
John Davies | blk | 52 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Isaac | blk | 42 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | Able Seaman | blk | blk |
John Morgans | blk | 18 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | Boy | blk | blk |
Thomas Rees | blk | 40 | Swansea | 1867-07-08 | blk | Engineer | blk | blk |
Hugh Morris | blk | 43 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | 2nd Engineer | blk | blk |
Isaac Mason | blk | 31 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-08 | blk | Stoker | blk | blk |
Series 202. File name File_202-4_vtls004660945.xlsx. Sheet 202-4-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
David Morgan | blk | 54 | Aberystwyth | 1867-07-12 | Aberystwyth | Master | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
James Humphreys | blk | 32 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
John Davies | blk | 52 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Evan Huphreys | blk | 53 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
John Morgan | blk | 18 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Ordinary Seaman | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Thomas Rees | blk | 40 | Swansea | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Engineer | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Maurice | blk | 42 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Engineer | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Isaac Mason | blk | 31 | Aberystwyth | 1867-01-12 | Aberystwyth | Stoker | 1967-06-30 | Aberystwyth |
Series 202. File name File_202-5_vtls004660966.xlsx. Sheet 202-5-1. Ship name: Express
Ship Registry Number: 16224 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
David Morgan | blk | 56 | Aberystwyth | Continued | blk | Master | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
James Humphreys | blk | 33 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Mate | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
John Davies | blk | 52 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
John Isaac | blk | 42 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Able Seaman | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
John Morgans | blk | 18 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Boy | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
Thomas Rees | blk | 40 | Swansea | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Engineer | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
Hugh Morris | blk | 43 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | 2nd Engineer | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |
Isaac Mason | blk | 31 | Aberystwyth | 1868-07-08 | Aberystwyth | Stroker | 1868-12-31 | Aberystwyth |