Yma kuntellyansow ‘Yeth an Werin’ pub mis po moy fenowgh yn leow dres Kernow, ha nebes leow erell. Junyewgh gans kernewegoryon yn diwotti ow kewsel warbarth yn Kernewek hag omlowenhe. Ottomma map anedha. Yma kalender anedha ha nebes hwarvosow erell yn kever an yeth po gonisogeth Kernow diworth Sodhva an Yeth Kernewek. Gwelewgh ynwedh gocornish.org.

There are ‘Yeth an Werin’ meetings every month or more often in places across Cornwall and some places elsewhere. Join some Cornish speakers in a pub, speaking together in Cornish and having a good time. Here is a map of them. There is a calendar listing them and some other events connected with the language or culture of Cornwall produced by the Cornish Language Office. See also gocornish.org.

Javascript generated list of next Yeth an Werin events

Rol an nessa hwarvosow Yeth an Werin gwrys gans Javascript

These may of course change, or not take account of special circumstances e.g. Christmas, and please check gocornish.org, Kalender Kernewek or contact the organiser if not sure. Some groups may be holding online meetings. There have been other Yeth an Werin meetings in the past at different locations which may restart at some point.

Nebes a'n bagasow a wrello metya warlinenn, hag yth esa kuntellansow Yeth an Werin yn leow erell a yllsa dastalleth.

I will update this if I hear anything definitive.



PlaceLe Usual dayDydh herwydh usadow Date of next Yeth an WerinDydhyas nessa Yeth an Werin TimeTermyn AddressTrigva
BodminBosvena 3rd Monday3a Dy'Lun dreckly 7:30pm7:30wh The Borough Arms, Dunmere, PL31 2RD Arvow an Burjestra, Dinmeur, PL31 2RD
HeamoorAn Hay 3rd Wednesday3a Dy'Mergher dreckly 8:30pm8:30wh The Sportsmans Arms, Bolitho Road, Heamoor, Penzance, TR18 3EHArvow an Sportyas, Fordh Bolitho, An Hay, Pennsans, TR18 3EH
St. IvesPorthia 3rd Tuesday3a Dy'Meurth dreckly 8:00pm8:00wh The Cornish Arms, St. Ives Road, St. Ives, TR26 2PGAn Arvow Kernow, Fordh Porthia, Porthia, TR26 2PG
RedruthResrudh Last TuesdayDiwettha Dy'Meurth dreckly 9:00pm9:00wh Bridge Inn, Bridge, Portreath, TR16 4SATavern Pons Resulyan, Pons Resulyan, Portreth, TR16 4SA
TruroTruru 2nd Tuesday2a Dy'Meurth dreckly 7:30pm7:30wh The Old Ale House, 7 Quay St, Truro TR1 2HDAn Chi Korev Koth, 7 Stret Kay, Truru, TR1 2HD
St. AustellSen Ostel Every Monday morningPub Dy'Lun myttinweyth dreckly 10:00am10:00kh OnlineWar-linenn
LauncestonLannstevan 2nd Monday2a Dy'Lun dreckly 7:30pm7:30wh The Bell Inn, 1 Tower Street, Launceston, PL15 8BQAn Klogh, 1 Stret an Tour, Lannstevan, PL15 8BQ
Online via ZoomWar-linenn dre Zoom Every ThursdayPub Dy'yow dreckly 7:00pm beginners, 8:00pm advanced7:00wh dallethoryon, 8:00wh avonsys See Facebook group for Zoom details: www.facebook.com/groups/yaw.warlinenGwelegh bagas lyver-fas rag manylys Zoom: www.facebook.com/groups/yaw.warlinen

27/11/2019 - updated to no longer require Google Fusion Tables, due to its impending death.