Aberystwyth Shipping Records.
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Series 289. Vessel name: Jane Elizabeth
Series 289. File name File_289-1_vtls004687367.xlsx. Sheet 289-1-1. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Edward Morris | blk | 30 | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
David Lewis | blk | 35 | Borth | blk | blk | Mate | 1863-04-13 | Cardiff |
Thomas Vaughan | blk | 40 | Fishguard | blk | blk | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Frank Benjamin | blk | 23 | Hanover | 1863-03-04 | Shields | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Thomas Morris | blk | 19 | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Ordinary seaman | blk | blk |
Henry Martindale | blk | 15 | Liverpool | blk | blk | Boy | blk | blk |
Richard Hunter | blk | 35 | Plymouth | 1863-04-01 | Cardiff | Able seaman | 1863-05-04 | Poole |
Carl [Baier] | blk | 17 | Hanover | 1863-04-13 | Cardiff | Ordinary seaman | blk | blk |
James Hunter | blk | 15 | Poole | 1863-06-15 | Poole | Boy | blk | blk |
Series 289. File name File_289-1_vtls004687367.xlsx. Sheet 289-1-2. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Edward Morris | blk | 3 | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Master | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
Thomas Morris | blk | 19 | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Mate | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
Fritz Benjaimin | blk | 24 | Hanover | blk | blk | Able seaman | 1863-10-01 | Cardiff |
Thomas Vaughan | blk | 41 | Fishguard | blk | blk | Able seaman | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
[Joel Leuais] | blk | 18 | [Macklenburg] | blk | blk | Ordinary seaman | 1863-10-01 | Cardiff |
Henry Martindale | blk | 17 | Liverpool | blk | blk | Boy | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
James [Jarret] | blk | 17 | Poole | blk | blk | Boy | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
John Thomas | blk | 23 | St. Dogmaels | Cardiff | 1863-10-16 | Able seaman | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
John Williams | blk | 20 | Aberystwith | Newport | 1863-10-16 | Able seaman | 1863-12-31 | At sea |
Series 289. File name File_289-2_vtls004687373.xlsx. Sheet 289-2-2. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Edward Morris | blk | blk | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
Owen Jones Hughes | blk | 23 | Anglesea | blk | blk | Mate | 1864-12-20 | Bristol |
Thomas Vaughan | blk | 46 | Fishguard | blk | blk | Able seaman | 1864-[07]-02 | Cardiff |
Marshall Woods | blk | 23 | Liverpool | blk | blk | Able seaman | 1864-08-30 | Galway |
Evan Evans | blk | 18 | Anglesea | blk | blk | Ordinary seaman | 1864-07-20 | [Loch] $ |
William Jones Hughes | blk | 15 | Anglesea | blk | blk | Boy | 1864-12-20 | Bristol |
Evan [Aurthur] | blk | 40 | Carmarthen | 1864-09-12 | Galway | Able seaman | 1864-10-05 | Cardiff |
Richard Morgan | blk | 22 | Carmarthen | 1864-10-05 | Cardiff | Able seaman | 1864-11-10 | Limerick |
Evan [Aurthur] | blk | 15 | Carmarthen | 1864-10-05 | Cardiff | Boy | blk | blk |
[Harri] [Lyarfich] | blk | 25 | Prussia | 1864-10-13 | Cardiff | Able seaman | 1864-11-10 | Limerick |
John [Au$$$s] | blk | 33 | Clare | 1864-11-19 | Limerick | Able seaman | blk | blk |
George Thomas | blk | 24 | Swansea | 1864-11-19 | Limerick | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Series 289. File name File_289-2_vtls004687373.xlsx. Sheet 289-2-1. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Edward Morris | blk | 31 | Aberystwith | blk | blk | Master | blk | blk |
[Rich] Humphreys | blk | 31 | Aberystwith | 1864-02-15 | Liverpool | Mate | 1864-05-24 | Runcorn |
Owen Jones Hughes | blk | 22 | Anglesea | 1864-02-15 | Liverpool | Able seaman | 1864-05-24 | Runcorn |
Owen Jones Hughes | blk | 22 | Anglesea | 1864-05-24 | Liverpool | Mate | blk | blk |
Evan Evans | blk | 15 | Newquay | 1864-02-15 | Liverpool | Ordinary seaman | 1864-05-24 | Runcorn |
Thomas Vaughan | blk | 45 | Fishguard | blk | blk | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Henry Martindale | blk | 16 | Liverpool | blk | blk | Boy | 1864-05-20 | Runcorn |
James [Jeritt] | blk | 17 | Poole | blk | blk | Boy | 1864-04-17 | Charlestown |
Hugh O'neil | blk | 35 | [Dundalk] | 1864-05-23 | Liverpool | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Evan Evans | blk | 17 | Anglesea | 1864-05-25 | Liverpool | Ordinary seaman | blk | blk |
William Hughes | blk | 14 | Anglesea | 1864-05-18 | Liverpool | Boy | blk | blk |
Mark [Hall] Wood | blk | 23 | Liverpool | 1864-05-20 | Liverpool | Able seaman | blk | blk |
Series 289. File name File_289-3_vtls004687385.xlsx. Sheet 289-3-2. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Series 289. File name File_289-3_vtls004687385.xlsx. Sheet 289-3-1. Ship name: Jane Elizabeth
Ship Registry Number: 34285 Port of registry: Aberystwyth
Name | Birth Year | Age |
Birthplace | Date Joined | Port Joined |
Capacity | Date Left | Port Left |
Edward Morris | blk | 32 | Aberystwith | 1867-01-01 | Limerick | Master | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |
Richard Thomas | blk | blk | Aberystwith | 1867-01-01 | Limerick | Mate | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |
David Morgans | blk | blk | Cardigan | 1867-01-01 | Limerick | Able seaman | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |
Charles Johnson | blk | blk | Sweden | 1864-02-23 | London | Able seaman | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |
Joseph Fair | blk | blk | London | 1864-02-23 | London | Ordinary seaman | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |
Charles [Tin$$y] | blk | blk | London | 1864-01-01 | Limerick | Able seaman | 1864-02-02 | London |
David Thomas | blk | 20 | Aberayron | 1864-01-01 | Limerick | Able seaman | 1864-02-02 | London |
Thomas [Henery] | blk | 19 | Dundalk | 1864-01-01 | Limerick | Ordinary seaman | 1864-02-02 | London |
William Davies | blk | 21 | Aberayron | 1864-02-05 | London | Able seaman | 1864-04-28 | Liverpool |