Protonilus Mensae


13 Nov 2015 - MawKernewek

To the east of the Deuteronilus Mensae region in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars, there is the Protonilus Mensae region, also on the elevation dichotomy boundary, and there are many Souness GLFs found there.
HRSC tiles with elevation blended with nadir image.

Elevation colour ramp used for all the HRSC DTMs in this area.

MOLA elevation

MOLA elevation blended with hillshade

There are rather more than I will have the opportunity to examine in any fine detail here, but here are several regions showing Souness GLF extents, and where 3D anaglyph coverage exists. Hopefully the labels of these are large enough to be visible, and you can look these up at


 Near Moreaux crater  (centred ~ 43°E, 43°N)

Several HiRISE 3D anaglyphs are found overlapping or in the vicinity of Souness GLFs:

North of Rudeau crater (~ 53°E, 41°N)

3D anaglyphs:

Coloe Fossae area ( ~ 56°E, 36°N)

3D anaglyphs:

Souness 364 (55°E, 41°N)

This region was been studied in detail in a paper published by Souness & Hubbard (2013) who addressed the question of whether it was formed by ice moving into the alcove in a former time when there was a widespread ice sheet in the region and later downwasted, or by ice moving out of the alcove more recently, favouring the latter hypothesis.

Unfortunately most of S364 is covered only by a 150m resolution DTM though other GLFs in the area are covered at 75m resolution.

The classifier shows terrain similar to GLF head areas surrounding S364.

3D anaglyph PSP_001834_2215 overlapping Souness 364, and 363.

3D anaglyph PSP_008809_2215 overlapping S360, 361, and 362.


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