Regional Mars Maps

I show specific regions of Mars, based on the regions I used for my index map.

I show the HRSC DTM tiles in outline, with the data from the Mars Global Surveyor MOC image mosaic with the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter topography used via colour coding. The Souness et al. 2012 glaciers are shown with their extents outlined.

Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

Argyre Planitia and surroundings

An overview map of this region is shown below. Links to individual Souness GLFs can be found at the bottom of this page.

There are a total of 88 Souness GLFs in the Argyre region, see scatterplot at

Histogram by elevation of Souenss GLFs in Argyre region
Displaying the histogram of numbers of Souness GLFs as a function of elevation within the Argyre Planitia region.

Links to individual pages on Souness GLFs in this region

Souness 728
Souness 729
Souness 730
Souness 731
Souness 732
Souness 733
Souness 734
Souness 735
Souness 736
Souness 737
Souness 738
Souness 739
Souness 740
Souness 741
Souness 742
Souness 743
Souness 744
Souness 745
Souness 746
Souness 747
Souness 748
Souness 749
Souness 750
Souness 751
Souness 752
Souness 753
Souness 754
Souness 755
Souness 756
Souness 757
Souness 758
Souness 759
Souness 760
Souness 761
Souness 762
Souness 763
Souness 764
Souness 765
Souness 766
Souness 767
Souness 768
Souness 769
Souness 770
Souness 771
Souness 772
Souness 773
Souness 774
Souness 775
Souness 776
Souness 777
Souness 778
Souness 779
Souness 780
Souness 781
Souness 782
Souness 783
Souness 784
Souness 785
Souness 786
Souness 787
Souness 788
Souness 789
Souness 790
Souness 791
Souness 792
Souness 793
Souness 794
Souness 795
Souness 796
Souness 797
Souness 798
Souness 799
Souness 800
Souness 801
Souness 802
Souness 803
Souness 804
Souness 805
Souness 806
Souness 807
Souness 808
Souness 809
Souness 810
Souness 811
Souness 812
Souness 813
Souness 814
Souness 815
Souness 816
Souness 1262
Souness 1263
Souness 1264
Souness 1265
Souness 1266
Souness 1267

Links to HiRISE images with Cornish titles

As part of the HiRISE Kernewek website at the University of Arizona, the following HiRISE images have been described in Cornish. Some have red/blue 3D analgyphs which have not yet had Cornish titles added.

Drummow Kromm yn Nereidum Montes
Lat: -45, Long: -51
Apron Atal Lappa-furvys yn Nereidum Montes
Lat: -46, Long: -50
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Apron Atal Lappa-furvys yn Nereidum Montes
Lat: -46, Long: -50
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Kanolyow y’n Estowlans Kowdoll Hale
Lat: -36, Long: -39
Godhes Lesans Gwann-Liwys Ogas dhe Gowdoll Eberswalde
Lat: -24, Long: -34
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Pigern Loskvenydhyek Byghan yn Bason Ladon Valles
Lat: -20, Long: -31
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Kanolyow ha daffar haval orth lin dhe'n north-est a Gowdoll Hale
Lat: -32, Long: -30
Godhesow Gwiskasek Gwann-liwys a-hys Leur Ladon Valles
Lat: -21, Long: -29
Kowdell Strekys Liesek yn Ladon Valles
Lat: -22, Long: -29
Tewynnow A-ji dhe Gowdoll Arkhangelsky
Lat: -41, Long: -25
Le Tirans Potencyal rag Kanaseth 2020 yn Kowdoll Kashira
Lat: -27, Long: -19
Red/blue 3D anaglyph
Arenep a Liw Golow gans Drummow Kettuel a-ji Kowdoll
Lat: -27, Long: -11

Last updated 11th September 2019. davidtreth[at]